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[Hi-Tech Superpower Vs Sci-Fi Superpower]


美國航空暨太空總署(NASA;National Aeronautics and Space Administration)算是目前世界上發展太空科技最積極活躍的組織,1959年10月01日設立至今,成為太空探險的代名詞。美國也擁有全球科幻電影產量最豐的好萊塢電影產業,早在NASA太空人離開地表前,月球、火星、火箭、太空船,就已經是每個美國孩子同享的幻想經驗。

日本本田汽車(Honda Motor Co.)算是目前世界上研發人型機器最認真投入的機構。2000年11月20日兩足步行機器人ASIMO公開之後,從此無人能否認日本「機器人王國」的地位。日本也是世界上最大的科幻機器人產出國,早在機器人實用化的一天到來之前,原子小金剛、無敵鐵金剛和機動戰士鋼彈,就已經是每代日本孩子共有的童年記憶。




Today, the U.S. NASA may be considered as the world’s most active and vigorous organization in developing aerospace technology. Ever since its establishment on October 1st, 1959, NASA has become another name for space exploration. The Hollywood movie industry, which is enriched with the world’s greatest amount of sci-fi movies, is also under the possession of the U.S. Way before the NASA astronauts even lifted off the earth’s surface, rockets, spaceships, the moon and Mars have been fantasized by all American children.

The Honda Motor Co. of Japan may be regarded as the most diligent and earnest organization in researching and developing humanoid robots. After the bipedal humanoid walking robot ASIMO was unveiled on November 20th, 2000, no one could deny Japan’s status as the “Robot Kingdom.” Japan is also the largest sci-fi robot manufacturer on earth. Even before the day robots come into practical use, Astro Boy, Mazinger-Z, and Mobile Suit Gundam have all become childhood memories shared by Japanese children of all generations.

“Hi-tech superpower equals to sci-fi superpower”? Is this simply a coincidence? Or is it destined to happen? The critical key may be found, as cries for a science and technology developed country rise among the Chinese people…


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俄裔小說家納布可夫(Vladimir Nabokov;1899-1977)曾經說過:「科學離不開幻想,藝術離不開真實」。如果我們的藝術,向來不足以反映真實;如果我們的科學,向來不習慣涵納幻想;那麼,我們的未來,將鐵定不能從自身的位置出發、看清可能的發展方向、打造出專屬於華人文化的科技新世紀。

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