(載於奇幻特刊No. 3《科幻總動員》p32-37;2003年04月16日)

【附錄】《銀河飛將》(Wing Commander)系譜

★1990:[正傳]《銀河飛將》(Wing Commander)
☆[任務]《銀河飛將:秘密任務》(WC: The Secret Missions)
☆[任務]《銀河飛將:秘密任務2》(WC: The Secret Missions 2)

★1991:[正傳]《銀河飛將II:帝國逆襲》(Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi)
☆[任務]《銀河飛將II:特別任務1》(WCII: Special Operations 1)
☆[任務]《銀河飛將II:特別任務2》(WCII: Special Operations 2)
☆[升級]《銀河飛將II:語音資料片》(WCII: Speech Pack)

★1993:[衍生]《銀河飛將軍官學校》(Wing Commander Academy)

★1993:[外傳]《銀河飛將:私掠者》(Wing Commander: Privateer)
☆[升級]《銀河飛將私掠者:語音資料片》(WC Privateer: Speech Pack)
☆[任務]《銀河飛將私掠者:正義出擊》(WC Privateer: Righteous Fire)

★1994:[衍生]《銀河飛將無敵艦隊》(Wing Commander Armada)

★1994:[正傳]《銀河飛將III:虎之心》(Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger)

★1996:[正傳]《銀河飛將IV:自由的代價》(Wing Commander VI: The Price of Freedom)

★1996:[合輯]《基拉錫三部曲》(Wing Commander: The Kirathi Saga)

★1997:[外傳]《私掠者2:黯星梟雄》(Privateer 2: The Darkening)

★1997:[後傳]《銀河飛將:神諭》(Wing Commander: Prophecy)
☆[任務]《秘密行動》(Secret Ops)


★1992:[小說]《Wing Commander: Freedom Flight》ISBN: 0-671-72145-3

★1994:[小說]《Wing Commander: End Run》ISBN: 0-671-72200-X

★1995:[小說]《Wing Commander: Fleet Action》ISBN: 0-671-72211-5

★1995:[小說]《Wing Commander: Heart of the Tiger》ISBN: 0-671-87653-8

★1996:[小說]《Wing Commander: The Price of Freedom》ISBN: 0-671-87751-8

★1996:[動畫]《銀河飛將軍官學校》(Wing Commander Academy)
☆Episode 01: Red and Blue
☆Episode 02: The Last One Left
☆Episode 03: The Most Delicate Instrument
☆Episode 04: Word of Honor
☆Episode 05: Lords of the Sky
☆Episode 06: Chain of Command
☆Episode 07: Expendable
☆Episode 08: Walking Wounded
☆Episode 09: Recreation
☆Episode 10: On Both Your Houses
☆Episode 11: Invisible Enemy
☆Episode 12: Price of Victory
☆Episode 13: Glory of Sivar

★1998:[小說]《Wing Commander: Action Stations》ISBN: 0-671-87859-X

★1999:[小說]《Wing Commander: False Colors》ISBN: 0-671-57784-0

★1999:[小說]《Wing Commander: The Novel》ISBN: 0-061-05985-4

★1999:[電影]《星際戰爭‧未來戰士》(Wing Commander)


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